time travels through coin collectionstime travels through coin collections

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time travels through coin collections

I never really understood the hobby of coin collecting until I was going through my grandfather's things after he passed away. When I came across his coin collections, I quickly began to see coins in a whole new way. Not only did he collect the coins, but he inserted a short description of when he obtained the coins. For each of his kids' births and his grandchildren's births, he collected a new coin. Coins are not only monetarily valuable, they tell the story of time. I have learned as much as I can about each coin in my grandfather's collection so that others can follow the story of time as it is expressed through collecting coins.

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What You Should Expect From Your First Checking Account

Access to a checking account is a critical part of participating in much of the modern economy. It allows you to pay bills, receive paychecks, and shop. Most people will take the leap at some point, and that means they need to know what to expect from their first checking account. If this is your first time getting an account, you should expect these four things.


There are several ways checking accounts work. An account holder may pay a fee, but this is a relatively rare structure anymore outside of check-cashing cards. The average financial advisor wouldn't recommend using this sort of account unless every institution has denied the other options. Free checking accounts are normal, and you should try to find one for your first account. Most free accounts don't pay interest, but you also won't pay any fees as long as you don't draw it below zero. Alternatively, you can get one that collects interest. Usually, these accounts have a minimum requirement, such as keeping a certain amount of money in the account. For many first-timers, that may be more than they can manage. Consequently, a free account is usually the right answer for them. Remember, you can always upgrade later.

Bill Payment

Most modern checking accounts allow you to arrange automatic bill payments. As long as you're confident you can keep enough money in the account to pay bills on time, you should do this. Consistently paying your bills on time will boost your credit score over many months and years. Ask the bank what sorts of bill payment options they offer before you set up an account.

Connecting with Other Accounts

Checking systems can connect with many other types of accounts. For example, you should be able to interconnect your accounts at one bank. This allows you to use retirement, money market, savings, and credit line accounts in a single interface. Similarly, access to the Automatic Clearing House (ACH) system allows you to connect to brokerage accounts for investment purposes. Remember, the superpower of checking is its high interconnectivity with systems across the world.


With the advent of banking apps and internet portals, security is a bigger deal than ever before. You want to know that the online account system uses at least a two-factor authentication system to reduce the risk of unauthorized access. It will require some fiddling around when you have to do two kinds of authentication, but the small annoyance is worth the reduction of a major risk. Ask the bank what type of authentication they use on apps and websites.

Contact a bank near you for more information on free checking accounts